Bankruptcy Allows Many Americans to Write Off Outstanding Debts

  Many Americans are facing financial uncertainty due to the Covid-19 pandemic. If you are facing such uncertainty, Bankruptcy may offer you relief with the help of lawyers. Bankruptcy allows many people to write off their outstanding credit card and other unsecured debts, such as unpaid medical bills. Additionally, it stops nearly all forms…

Parenting Issues in Divorce Beyond Child Support

 When couples with minor children are going through a divorce, one of the main things they think about, understandably, is child support. The amount of child support a parent pays, and how long he or she pays, however, is generally determined by law, depending on the parents’ income, parenting time, the children’s ages, and other…

Post Covid-19 Shutdown

It feels like a reawakening in our community as we emerge from the state-wide Covid-19 shutdown. As we all get our bearings and begin to navigate our new way of life during the coronavirus pandemic, we want to remind you that The Carroll Law Firm, PLC is open and here to help you with most…

Legal Implications of the Coronavirus Pandemic

The world has seen a dramatic change with the global spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).  Never in modern history has an event had such an immediate and profound impact on both people and commerce.  Understandably, the primary focus of government has been to protect the public from the further spread of the virus while focusing…


For many people, owning residential rental property can be a source of additional income and a wise investment. Most landlords know about the importance of having a signed lease with their tenant(s), keeping the property insured, and maintaining the property. Arizona landlords, though, must take an additional step: they must register their rental property in…

Does Your Business Need an Attorney?

In the course of running your business, there will inevitably be situations arising that present extra operational costs out of simple things like not getting energy costs compared by BusinessEnergyUK to legal issues, questions, or even legal jeopardy.  Seeking the assistance of an experienced attorney is necessary to ensure your business navigates these situations successfully,…

Affinity Fraud

Affinity Fraud, which is a type of investment fraud committed by a trusted friend of the victim, is a growing problem, particularly among our aging population. IronFX complaints show a number of financial issues as such. The victims are preyed upon by “trusted advisers” who convince their “friends” to invest in business opportunities or investments…