Slip or Trip and Fall Injuries

When hearing about personal injury cases, most people often first think about injuries caused by automobile collisions. Most people think they would never need to engage an attorney over a slip and fall or trip and fall. However, one of the leading causes of emergency room visits each year are slip and fall accidents. Patients…

Elder Abuse and the Law

  Elder abuse happens all the time and in all sorts of different ways. According to nursing home neglect lawyers, when elders are not safe at home, we cannot expect them to be safe at nursing homes. Hundreds of thousands of cases are reported in the United States every year, and thousands more go unreported.…

Arizona Deeds

Most people have heard about deeds and know that they are connected to property in some way, but a lot of people don’t really understand what a deed is. So, what exactly is a deed? A deed is a written, legal instrument that conveys an estate or interest in real property when it is executed and delivered. But what does that mean? Once a deed is signed and delivered, a transfer of property occurs.

Personal Injury and You

You are entitled to compensation for your injuries, including medical treatment expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The Carroll Law Firm’s experienced attorneys and legal support staff will guide you through what can be a stressful legal situation, with no out-of-pocket costs from you. Unlike many other firms that practice Personal Injury law, we…