Post with fullwidth image list
Nullam rutrum velit eget quam pretium vehicula porttitor odio non nunc laoreet.
Nullam rutrum velit eget quam pretium vehicula porttitor odio non nunc laoreet.
Maecenas enim velit, euismod eu tempor sit amet, dictum at est. In placerat fringilla bibendum.
Suspendisse vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leo. Sed volutpat tellus. Curs lorem ipsum dolor.
During the summer, many Anthem residents travel in order to beat the heat and enjoy time off while their children are home from school. This coming week marks the end of summer vacation for many Anthem families. The first day of school for Deer Valley Unified School District’s 2013-2014 school year officially begins on August…
Orders and stipulations regarding parenting time and legal decision making typically always are open to modification. The court recognizes that circumstances change as children grow older and time passes, and that a plan agreed upon by parents when a child is five may no longer be appropriate when the child is thirteen. In order to…
Arizona is a progressive state when it comes to self-service forms for different types of legal matters. The Arizona Corporation Commission has forms to help you set up your own non-profit. Unfortunately, the forms provided do not contain every provision necessary to reach tax exempt status. You can save yourself time, money and frustration by…
Marriage is a big step in one’s life, full of decision-making and compromises. It is important that couples know the benefits of a prenuptial agreement (commonly referred to as “prenup” or “premarital agreement”). The Carroll Law Firm can provide you with legal advice prior to your marriage to ensure you understand your individual rights, and…
With nursing home costs rising and the average life expectancy also increasing, more and more people need to think about how they will afford to age and pass on at least some assets to their loved ones. One of the most important reasons to consider creating an irrevocable trust is asset protection. In order to…
Help for self-employed debtors and others. (DEBTORS IN ARIZONA CAN NOW KEEP THEIR iPad) The following is current as of April 24, 2013. Bankruptcy exemptions can change based on new laws, and interpretation of current laws by the courts. Arizona Bankruptcy Laws have changed in a significant way, as the updated exemptions will make it harder…
When a person dies and leaves a Will, a legal proceeding called “Probate” is required to transfer ownership from the person who died (Decedent) to the people named in the Will (Devisees). There are two main proceedings for Probate of a will. Below are a few differences. Informal vs. Formal Probate of a Will FORMAL…
During this time of heightened concerns over COVID-19, The Carroll Law Firm, PLC is open and can provide telephonic appointments for many types of consultations.