Families are facing so many challenges at this time with the loss of jobs and, consequently, properties that marriages are suffering as a direct result of these situations. Many couples need answers about family law concerning divorce and child custody and child support laws. The Carroll Law Firm is dedicated to providing families with excellent options for their concerns and in helping them to make the best choice.
We will invest our time and expertise in helping you understand what the Residency Requirements are when filing for a divorce in Arizona, what the differences are between Fault and No-Fault Divorce, explaining if Legal Separation is an option, how Alimony and Maintenance amounts are determined, and what conditions make a Premarital Agreement not enforceable. The Carroll Law Firm wants you to know how much we care about our clients. It is not about the number of hours spent on your case; but instead, it is more about finding the right solution for the families involved so as to make these legal disputes as easy as possible.
In addition to the legal advice given, The Carroll Law Firm has other resources available to you. Because of our active participation in the Anthem community, we have formed partnerships with counselors and other professionals who can be an enormous help to you as well. Remember we offer a free consultation to help you get started in taking the next step. Give us a call today to make your appointment.